"Why this website?", you may ask. As I have gotten older, my
interest in history has increased greatly. An interest in World War I
because my grandfather and great uncle fought in it and over the
years there were many
family discussions about it and that era. Also, when I was young I
read the Classic Illustrated version of
"All Quiet on the
Western Front" and it had a big impact. I traveled to England,
noticed many "Great War" memorials, and
was amazed by the effect it had outside of the USA, where it
seems to have almost been forgotten.
While reading
a collection of World War I stories, I came across a short piece by Queen
Marie of Romania,
Experiences in the War Hospitals of Rumania",
and was impressed. I was surprised that
I never heard of her before. I had been been intrigued by her small
and mysterious country since boyhood,
with fantasies of brightly dressed peasants,
gypsies, castles, the Carpathian Mountains, Transylvania, Dracula, Vlad the Impaler,
the Black Sea, the Danube, but Marie
was the fuel that fed the fire.
I have no Romanian blood coursing through my veins, but still this
interest grew into collecting books and postcards, and reading
articles in old magazines. My department at work bought a scanner and with it came a magical tool to convert text on paper to text
in the computer. I thought, "Since I have used the
internet so much and learned from it, perhaps I should put something
back into it for others to learn and enjoy!" So it started and my
interests spread from Queen Marie to include Carmen Sylva, Princess
Ileana, and inescapably, Romania itself. Through email correspondence about
the site I have met some wonderful people that share in this
Another hobby is traditional Irish folk music (Irish blood I do
have!) which led to my taking up the mandolin, then the English
concertina as my main instrument of choice, and to dabble with the tin whistle, bodhran, and bones.
I've always enjoyed illustrations in children's books, especially
from the old
ones. These little windows into the world of fact and fiction are
amongst our earliest memories—they
can be very powerful! When I was a kid I loved to read Classics Illustrated Comic Books
and learned to appreciate great literature at the age of six through
images and text easy enough to read for myself. At the end of each
issue it would say "Now that you have read the Classics Illustrated
Edition, don't miss the added enjoyment of reading the original,
obtainable at your school or public library." This was always an
enticement to step further and dig deeper. I'd love to see them
I am originally from the Chicago area, which is a
great place. I've learned to appreciate it all the more since I
moved away. If you
take a look at my photo gallery, you can see the results of an
amateur photographer going crazy with his Nikon CoolPix 4500 and
Nikon D70 digital cameras. Digital means that anyone can take a
hundred pictures and end up with one that's not too bad.