Authored by Carmen Sylva

Edleen Vaughn or Paths of Peril
    Carmen Sylva (Her Majesty the Queen of Roumania)
Cassel Publishing Company, New York, 1891

From Memory's Shrine

    The Reminiscences of Carmen Sylva (H. M. Queen Elisabeth of Roumania)
    Translated by Edith Hopkirk
    Sampson Low, Marston & Co., London, 1911

Golden Thoughts of Carmen Sylva Queen of Roumania
    Translated by H. Sutherland
    John Lane, The Bodely Head, London

A Heart Regained - A Novel
Carmen Sylva
    Translated by Mrs. Mary A. Mitchell
    Cupples and Hurd, Boston, 1888

Die Hexe
    Carmen Sylva
    Verlag von Alexander Duncker, Berlin, 1882

Legends from River and Mountain

    Carmen Sylva (H. M. Queen of Roumania) and Alma Strettell
    Illustrated by T. H. Robinson
    George Allen, London, 1896

Letters and Poems of Queen Elisabeth (Carmen Sylva)
Introduction and Notes by Henry Howard Harper
    The Bibliophile Society, Boston, 1920

Mein Rhein!
Carmen Sylva
Adolf Titze, Leipzig, 1884


    Carmen Sylva Queen of Roumania
    Translated by A. H. Exner
    Jarrold & Sons, London

Poveştile Peleşului
Carmen Sylva
    Editura Saeculum I.O., Bucueşti, 2000
    ISBN 973-96550-5-X

    H.M. The Queen of Roumania
    The Book of Beauty - Era King Edward VII
    Mrs. F. Harcourt Williamson, (ed.)
    J.B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia, 1902

A Real Queen's Fairy Tales

    Carmen Sylva Queen of Roumania
    Translated by Edith Hopkirk
    Illustrated by Harold Nelson and A. Garth Jones
    Davis and Company, Chicago, 1901

Sagesse d'une Reine
    Elisabeth de Roumanie (Carmen Sylva)
    Via Romana, Versailles, 2013
    ISBN 979-10-90029-46-0

Segenhaus : The House of Blessings
    Elisabeth Queen of Roumania (Carmen Sylva), 1903
    Biographical notes written by John Barton
    Trustees of the Dalberton Library, New Plymouth [N.Z.], 2001
    ISBN: 0473081970

Shadows on Love's Dial
    The Queen of Roumania (Carmen Sylva)
    Translated by Helen Wolff
    Downey & Co., London

Songs of Toil
Carmen Sylva, Queen of Rumania
    Translated by John Eliot Bowen
Frederick A. Stokes & Brother, New York, 1888

Suffering's Journey on the Earth

    Carmen Sylva
    Translated from "Ledens Erengang," by Margaret A. Nash
    Jarrold & Sons, London

Sweet Hours - Poems
    Carmen Sylva
    R. A. Everett & Co., Ltd., London, 1904

Thoughts of a Queen
    Carmen Sylva
    Translated by H. Sutherland Edwards
    John Macqueen, London

Other Authors

The Bard of the Dimbovitza - Roumanian Folk Songs Collected from the Peasants
    Hélène Vacaresco
    Translated by Carmen Sylva and Alma Strettell
    Harper & Brothers, London, 1914

The Art of Tatting
  Katharin L. Hoare
  Introduction by H.M. The Queen of Roumania
  Longmans, Green & Co., London, 1910
  B.T. Batsford Ltd., London, 1988

Carmen Sylva reine Elisabeth de Roumanie
    Gabriel Badea-Päun
    Éditions Via Romana, Versailles, 2011
    ISBN 978-2-916727-95-0

Carmen Sylva and Sketches from the Orient
    Pierre Loti
    The Macmillan Company, New York, 1912

Carmen Sylva - Uimitoarea Regină Elisabeta a României
    Gabriel Badea-Paun
   Humanitas, Bucharest, 2003

Carmen Sylva Uimitoarea Regină Elisabeta a României
Gabriel Badea-Păun
    Editia a II-a revazuta
    Humanitas, Bucareşti, 2007
    ISBN 978-973-50-1101-7

Carmen Sylva Queen and Woman

    Elizabeth Burgoyne
    Thornton Butterworth Ltd., London, 1940

Die dichtende Königin. Elisabeth, Prinzessin zu Wied, Königin von Rumänien, Carmen Sylva (1843-1916)
    Silvia Irina Zimmermann
    Ibidem Verlag, Stuttgart, 2010
    ISBN 978-38382-0185-6

Jean-Jules-Antoine Lecomte du Nouÿ (1842-1923) à la cour royale de Roumanie
    Gabriel Badea-Päun
    Bulletin de la Société de l'Historie de l'Art Français, Année 2005, Paris, 2006

Kings and Queens I Have Known
    Hélène Vacaresco
    Harper & Brothers Publishers, New York, 1904

Life of Carmen Sylva
Baroness Stackelberg
    Translated by Baroness Deichmann
    Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner, & Co. London, 1890

Reminiscences of the King of Roumania

    Edited by Sidney Whitman
    Harper & Brothers, New York, 1899

Royal Portraits
    Princess Marthe Bibesco
    D. Appleton and Company, New York, 1928

A Woman in the Balkans
    Mrs. Will Gordon, F.R.G.S. (Winifred Gordon)
    Thomas Nelson and Sons, Ltd., London, 1918