Work is blessed and holy. Work is the road back again to
Paradise Lost! Carmen Sylva, Queen of Roumania |
It is odd, just when I was making that copy of the
"Pieta" by Delacroix, I found where that canvas has gone. It belongs to a
queen of Hungary, or of some other country thereabouts, who has written
poems under the name of Carmen Sylva. The article mentioning her and the
picture was by Pierre Loti, and he made you feel that this Carmen Sylva as
a person was even more touching than what she wrote—and yet she wrote
things like this: a childless woman is like a bell without a clapper—the
sound of the bronze would perhaps be beautiful, but no one will ever hear
it. |
Queen Marie – Regina Maria of Romania |
Princess Ileana – Principesa of Romania |
Romania |
Carmen Sylva, Queen of Roumania The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine August 1884 |
Mein Rhein! von Carmen Sylva book illustrations 1884 |
Bucharest article by Carmen Sylva in Harper's Weekly February 1893 |
The Great Balkan Intrigue Munsey's Magazine October 1895 |
"Carmen Sylva" Roumania's Poet Queen The Cosmopolitan November 1888 – April 1889 |
Peasant Life in Roumania article by Carmen Sylva in The Forum June 1889 |
Steria's Revenge The Cosmopolitan September 1889 |
Galaxy of People The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine December 1890 |
A Roumanian Romance The Illustrated American August 8, 1891 |
Elizabeth, Queen of Roumania Illustrated London News September 1891 |
Monsieur Hampelmann - The Story of Mr. Jumping Jack book by Carmen Sylva 1892 |
How I Found My Home Home and Country Magazine December 1893 |
The Witch's Castle English Illustrated Magazine 1894 |
Legends from River and Mountain book by Carmen Sylva 1896 |
Carmen Sylva's Doll-Show The Strand Magazine 1898 |
Fidelity The Strand Magazine |
A Festival in Heaven Woman's Home Companion February 1901 |
After the Concert Saturday Evening Post May 1901 |
A Child of the Forest The Sunday Strand July-December 1901 |
The Noble Thoughts of a Noble Queen The Black and White Budget November 1901 |
The Romance of a Queen introduction from A Real Queen's Fairy Tales 1901 |
Her Majesty the Queen of Roumania Royalties of the World 1902 |
Puiu a story by Carmen Sylva in The Book of Beauty 1902 |
The Summer Life of the Queen of Rumania The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine May 1902 |
My Reminiscences of War The North American Review October 1904 |
How I Spent My Sixtieth Birthday book 1904 |
Elisabeth, Queen of Roumania The Outlook October 1, 1904 |
Does the Race of Man Love a Lord? $30,000 Bequest and Other Stories Mark Twain 1906 |
Carmen Sylva, Queen of Roumania The Burr McIntosh Monthly April 1907 |
My Kittens The Century Magazine August 1908 |
A Tribute to Charles Dickens postcard poem 1909 |
The Art of Tatting book with introduction by Carmen Sylva and pictures of her work 1910 |
From Memory's Shrine book by Carmen Sylva 1911 |
Queen Revives Art of Tatting The Illustrated World May 1911 |
Carmen Sylva chapters from the book Carmen Sylva and Sketches from the Orient by Pierre Loti 1912 |
The Princely House of Wied in the Balkan Peninsula World of Women January 1914 |
"Carmen Sylva," Rumania's Dowager Queen, Favors Allies New York Times February 1915 |
Carmen Sylva Dead at the Age of 72 New York Times 3 March 1916 |
The Passing of "Carmen Sylva": The Poet-Queen's Funeral Illustrated London News 25 March 1916 |
A Woman in the Balkans chapter from Mrs. Will Gordon's book 1918 |
Roosevelt and Royalties Scribner's Magazine April 1920 |
The Kingdom of Carmen Sylva The Mystic Club February 1937 |
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