Authored by Princess Ileana
The Holy Angels
Mother Alexandra (Princess Ileana of Romania)
Copyright 1981 by Mother Alexandra
Light and Life Publishing Company, Minneapolis,
ISBN 0-932506-10-0
Hospital of the Queen's Heart
Ileana Princess of Romania
Rinehart & Company, Inc., New York, 1954
I Live Again
Ileana Princess of Romania
Rinehart & Company, Inc., New York, 1951
Introduction to the Jesus Prayer
H.R.H. Princess Ileana of Romania
Forward Movement Publications, 1959
Meditations on the Nicene Creed
Ileana Princess of Romania
Morehouse-Gorham Co., New York, 1958
Our Father - Meditations on The Lord's Prayer
Princess Ileana of Romania Mother Alexandra
The Orthodox Book Center, Miami
Outline of Romanian Literature
Princess Ileana
World Literatures
University of Pittsburg Press, Pittsburg, 1956
The Spirit of Orthodoxy
H.R.H. Princess Ileana of Romania
The Advent Papers, Boston
Traiesc din nou (I Live Again)
Principesa Ileana de Romania
traducere de Agra Baroti-Gheorghe
Humanitas, Bucureşti,
ISBN 973-28-0228-6
Traiesc din nou (I Live Again), Editia II
Principesa Ileana de Romania
traducere de Agra Baroti-Gheorghe
prefata de Al. Paleologu
Humanitas, Bucureşti,
ISBN 973-50-1026-7
Other Authors
Bran Castle - Residence of Queen Maria and Princess Ileana
Narcis Dorin Ion
Editura Tritonic, Bucureşti,
ISBN 973-8497-77-9
Castelul Bran - Reşedinţă
a reginei Maria şi a prinţesei
Narcis Dorin Ion
Editura Tritonic, Bucureşti,
ISBN 973-8497-52-3
Ileana, l'archiduchesse voilée
Jean-Paul Besse
Via Romana, Versailles, 2010
ISBN 978-2-916727-74-5
Poems from Communist Prisons
Collected by Zahu Panǎ
Translated by Mother Alexandra (Ileana, Princess of Romania)
Editura Cuvântul Românesc, Hamilton-Canada, 1985
ISBN 0-919871-02-X
Royal Monastic: Princess Ileana of
Romania (The Story of Mother Alexandra)
Bev. Cooke
Conciliar Press, Ben Lomond, 2008
ISBN: 978-888212-32-7
Royalty - a Page of Romania's History
Iulian Voicu & Emanuel Bădescu
Alcor Edimpex SRL, Bucureşti, 2003 ================================================================
Royalty Digest - A Journal of Record
Church Street, Ticehurst, East Sussex, TN5 7AA
United Kingdom